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Step 10 – If it was necessary for the patient to have an interpreter present to explain the operation/procedure and the risks involved, the interpreter must sign, date and print their name after entering the patient`s name and native language. Surgical consent is used to ensure that a patient has received all the necessary information about a proposed operation/special procedure and agrees to undergo surgery. All risks associated with the procedure and further processing must be described in the form. Even with smaller, non-life-threatening surgeries, there should be no implied or explicit warranties. A separate section on anesthesia is included in the consent form because the risks are different from those associated with the surgery or procedure itself. If a blood transfusion is required, the patient`s doctor should also inform them of the risks and benefits associated with this process. The patient must sign the surgical consent form once they have understood the entire procedure. If they are unable to sign, a legal representative must sign the document. In these circumstances, the consent form four must be used. If capacity is temporarily lost, it may be advisable to postpone elective surgery until it returns. In case of permanent loss (e.B. Dementia), however, surgery may continue if it is in the best interest of the patient, unless the patient has previously refused the procedure before losing their capacity.

„A patient may make an unbalanced judgment because they are deprived of adequate information. A patient may make an unbalanced judgment even if he receives too much information and is made aware of possibilities that he cannot assess because of his lack of medical training, prejudices or personality. (by Lord Templeman in Sidaway (1985) 1AC 871 to 904, quoted by Lord Woolf in Pierce)6 One or both parents – or the legal guardian – sign the consent form for a child under the age of 18. Legal guardians must prove that this legal relationship exists. A consent form must be signed before an operation can be scheduled. The signed declaration of consent is considered a legal document. However, according to the High Court of Australia, a patient`s signed consent is only legal if the patient has been properly warned of the potential risks and complications and has understood the warnings. In general, „informed consent“ depends on whether or not you, as a patient, would have consented to surgery if you had known and understood the potential risks and complications. A child must have the consent of a parent before surgery or surgery can be performed. But an „emancipated“ or „mature“ teenager can accept his or her own medical care. Laws may vary from state to state.

It is important to know the law of one`s own state on emancipated and mature minors. An emancipated or mature minor is usually someone who: Routine elective surgeries are a relatively standardized procedure. The potential risks of surgery are known, and in the absence of additional pathology, the frequency of its occurrence is also known. Nevertheless, the risks regularly mentioned by medical staff during informed consent vary due to a combination of personal practice, personal experience and varying education. A certain degree of variation is required, depending on the needs of each patient. The last point can be problematic if consent is obtained on the day of the operation. Most patients will be determined to proceed before undergoing surgery. However, a minority may develop doubts if they learn more about the procedure in more detail during the consent process. If these doubts arise on the day of the operation, the patient may feel obliged to continue, since all precautions have been taken. Therefore, it would be wiser to obtain informed consent at the time of enrollment in the clinic if the risks and benefits are often explained.

The patient will feel less in a hurry to continue and therefore will not act under duress. The Department of Health`s Informed Consent was distributed in 2002-03.2 Its format contains specific sections to document expected benefits and serious or common risks. A debate ensues as to what to mention.4,5 A polarized opinion would be an argument that the patient should know everything, with the counter-argument that this would only serve to confuse the patient. The question of how much to explain to a patient is controversial4.5, with the following quote highlighting the dilemma of many doctors: After the surgeon explains your child`s surgery to you, they will ask you to sign a consent form stating that you understand the procedure and all the risks and benefits associated with it. In Pennsylvania, parental (or guardian) consent is required for any diagnostic or surgical procedure performed on a child under the age of 18. Make a list of questions you should ask your doctor or surgeon about the type of surgery you want to have. In practice, a complication is often mentioned, which is likely to occur more than 1% of the time, but some less common complications can be so serious that the doctor thinks it is wise to mention them. For example, permanent vision loss occurs after routine cataract surgery in about 4 out of 100010 cases and should be mentioned regularly. Some complications are so rare that it is not necessary to mention them regularly; However, if a direct question is asked about the possible occurrence of such a complication, the physician must answer honestly.6,11,12 The principles of this article apply to the approval of any elective surgical procedure. However, we highlight examples of phacoemulsification cataract surgery, the most commonly performed elective ophthalmic surgery. This is an ideal example of elective surgery, as it can be performed at the beginning and end of the natural history of cataracts with the same result, the timing of the operation strongly depending on the visual demands, fears and expectations of the patient. The discussion focuses primarily on UK Department of Health guidelines and English law, but many of the underlying ethical principles are still applicable to patients overseas.

Schedule any lab tests you need to do before surgery. Here are some suggestions on what to ask your doctor or surgeon before treatment: ACS members were interviewed in 2006 and 2009. In both cases, 97% of ACS members surveyed sought assistance in developing process-specific consent models. If your doctor recommends elective surgery, your insurance company may request „pre-certification“ from your provider before you can have surgery. Check with your insurance company what you need to do. You may need to make a co-payment for hospitalization. Remember that the final decision is always up to you. The patient has the legal right to refuse consent or withdraw consent to a proposed treatment. Consent to the placement of a CVC catheter Uses a detailed consent form that includes built-in preparation and follow-up instructions. Before surgery, the patient`s knowledge of the procedure varies.

Kiss et al. interviewed patients who had to undergo cataract surgery and gave their consent. They found that 40% of patients had not learned about surgery before the consent process, and 60% felt that cataract surgery did not pose a risk of serious complications for the visually impaired.13 Information about surgery (including risks) has been shown to have a positive/neutral effect on the decision, 13,14 which supports a complete and open provision of relevant information. Patients consider informed consent to be important and expect all relevant information to be disclosed.15 If a child is unable to understand and retain information material for the decision and/or is unable to weigh and use that information to make a decision, a parent`s consent must be obtained: using the second consent form. However, if a child has the mental capacity to perform the two tasks mentioned above and is therefore able to give informed consent, then consent is legal and the consent form can still be used. Legally, the person with parental responsibility does not have to countersign for consent to be valid, but in practice it is advisable to also ask the parent for a counter-teaching. .